The Whizzinator Touch - ALS Wholesale

The Whizzinator pressure belt has reportedly helped countless probationers and one NFL player avoid drug tests, with its discreet design featuring an undetectable drainage tube beneath clothing that flows into a hidden drainpipe. Furthermore, this device includes a syringe as well as instructions for use.

Robert Catalano, the original owner of Whizzinator, was found guilty in 2010 for selling drug test-evasion products through Puck Technology of California - now under new management.

It is easy to use

The Whizzinator is a device that simulates the process of urination by simulating it using synthetic urine. It includes a belt, temperature regulator, and prosthetic (fake penis). Suitable for both males and females alike, its kit can be worn in multiple positions on either sexe. Mix the synthetic urine correctly with water according to instructions included with your kit - mixing properly could result in unexpected consequences!

A pressure belt is designed to be worn comfortably and be adjusted to suit individual bodies, increasing bladder bag pressure to increase urine output more frequently and safely. As long as it's not used to cheat a drug test - several individuals have been caught using such devices to pass drug tests illegally and found themselves either jailed or having their probation cancelled; it should always be used responsibly.

It is comfortable to wear

Whizzinator is an ideal option for those seeking a safe and comfortable way to practice urination, including its unique combination of belt, leg wrapping and pressure band, heat pads to maintain body temperature as well as extended wearing time.

A pressure belt is designed to be comfortable to wear and can be customized according to individual preferences for optimal wearability and pressure relief on your bladder bag, leading to stronger urine production and stream.

To use the Whizzinator, combine Golden Shower synthetic urine with bottled water and inject it through its refill port into a vinyl pouch. Next, attach a lifelike prosthetic and secure elastic belt until comfortable and discreet; adjust as necessary until complete coverage. Afterward, conceal this product within clothing as this device should only be used for fetish purposes and not intended to help pass drug tests.

It is easy to clean

The Whizzinator Pressure Belt is an accessory worn over a bladder bag to increase pressure and promote steady urine output. Crafted with high-grade materials that are comfortable, easy to maintain, and quick-cleaning - plus it's adjustable so you can set to your preferred pressure levels - this discreet device can even be worn under clothing without being noticed!

The product's website states that this new and improved version boasts a pressure belt to help create more realistic flow, as well as an easily refillable fill port and thermometer for convenient refilling of fake urine. Furthermore, you'll receive one vial of Gold'n Shower lab-grade dehydrated synthetic urine with foam and scent as well as precise instructions. To understand the direction of the SYNTHETIC PEE, people can refer to the following link .

It is discreet

The Whizzinator is an easy, straightforward device for cheating urine drug tests. Perfect if you need to take one at work without access to private restrooms. A belt puts pressure on a urine bag to increase flow while mimicking natural urine flow resemblance; additionally it contains heating pads which keep fake urine at an appropriate temperature.

This device consists of cotton elastic belt and leg straps, a vinyl pouch with non-spill refill port, one vial of Gold'n Shower lab grade dehydrated synthetic urine, a syringe needle, false penis and instructions.

The Whizzinator is a well-known device for passing drug tests, as well as being employed by actors wanting to avoid wearing fake penis in scenes. While its price may be higher than other products, its reusable nature and easy cleaning make this item worth purchasing. By exploring the website, you can rapidly enhance your understanding of FAKE PEE.